Should You Run on an Empty Stomach? Here’s My Take

A man jogging on a paved pathway beside a river, surrounded by trees and a city skyline in the background

Running on an empty stomach sparks endless debate among runners, trainers, and fitness experts alike. Some swear by the fat-burning and time-saving benefits, while others caution against the risk of energy crashes and muscle loss. I’ve had my fair share of successes and struggles experimenting with fasted runs. It’s a polarizing topic for a reason, … Read more

How To Run Faster and Longer – A Step-by-Step Approach

Athletes, almost in every discipline, would love to run faster and longer because it offers several advantages. Physically, it strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and burns calories more effectively. Mentally, running serves as a stress reliever and fosters determination. On a personal level, it allows people to reach fitness goals like completing a marathon or … Read more